The FAA now has two programs that enable aircraft owners to block or limit access to their ADS-B data: the Limiting Aircraft Data Displayed (LADD) program (which deals with FAA collected data), and the Privacy ICAO Address (PIA) program (which deals with third party collected data). More information on each program, and other privacy measures you can take can be found in the article Minimizing Public Access to Your ADS-B Data.
LADD Provides Two Options for Blocking
LADD offers two levels of blocking the release of your aircraft tracking data to flight tracking vendors:
- FAA Source – Aircraft data is limited to FAA use only, and is not made available to external vendors. Under this option you will not be able to track your own aircraft.
- Subscriber Level – Aircraft data is made available via the FAA data feeds to all vendors that subscribe, but those vendors are bound by service agreements with the FAA to not publicly display information for aircraft on the subscriber level blocked list. To track your aircraft you will need to sign up with the flight tracking service you desire to use, and they may charge a fee.
Information Needed to Sign Up for LADD
You must include specific information in your LADD request:
- Aircraft registered owner name(s);
- Registration number(s) or call sign(s) of the aircraft to be limited or unblocked;
- Email address and telephone number to which FAA can direct questions about the request;
- ICAO code;
- Aircraft make and model;
- Desired level of limiting (FAA Source, Subscriber, or Unblocking); and
- A certification that the requestor is the owner or operator of the specified aircraft or is a legally authorized representative of the aircraft owner or operator.
How to Submit LADD Request
The primary method for submitting the request is to click “File a Request Now” on the FAA LADD website, and fill in the form. Requests containing the information noted above will also be accepted by the FAA if sent by email to LADD@FAA.GOV, or by mail to:
FAA Limiting Aircraft Data Displayed
ATO System Operation Services, AJR–0
Wilbur Wright Building, Room 3E1500
600 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20597.
LADD Blocking is Not Immediately Effective
The updates are not performed immediately, and updates generally occur monthly on the first Thursday of each month. There are no promises from the FAA as to the time-frame. The FAA states that it will process all requests in the order in which the FAA receives them, to the extent that it is possible.
PIA Is an Option to Limit Third-Party Data
Under the PIA program operators are allowed to use an alternate, temporary ICAO aircraft codes that are not tied to the aircraft in the FAA Aircraft Registry database. The result is that third parties collecting your ADS-B data will collect flight data that is only tied to the temporary code, and thus will not be able to tie it to your aircraft as easily.
Information Needed to Sign Up for PIA
You must include specific information in your PIA request:
- Valid aircraft registration (permanent ICAO aircraft address) for the aircraft;
- Third party call sign;
- Name, email address, telephone number, and physical address of the Aircraft owner;
- Name, email address, telephone number, and physical address for the requestor; and
- Validate that the aircraft’s ADS-B emitter performance is qualified for ADS-B operations (operator will self-validate on the website, but the system will check to see that a PAPR report was requested within the past 180 days).
PIA Program Steps
Step 1 – Obtain initial Public ADS-B Performance Report (PAPR) – A PAPR can be requested here.
Step 2 – Request PIA – Submit the required information via the PIA website. Once approved you will receive a PIA assignment via email within 10 business days.
Step 3 – Provide Proof of Third-Party Call Sign – Email confirmation of your third-party flight ID/call sign to adsbprivacyicao@faa.gov.
Step 4 – Install New PIA – Program the new PIA into your transmitter.
Step 5 – Verify PIA Installation – Within 30 days of receiving your PIA, fly in ADS-B airspace, and then request a new PAPR verifying the flight with your new PIA. Submit this verification at the PIA Verification website. Failure to complete this final step within the required time period will result in the PIA being rescinded.
For detailed information on the above steps, please see the PIA User Guide.
Michelle M. Wade is a Partner with the aviation law firm of Jetstream Aviation Law, P.A. and counsel clients on the acquisition, financing and operation of corporate jets operated under Part 91 and Part 135 of the US Federal Aviation Regulations. Jetstream Aviation Law can be found at www.JetstreamLaw.com. Michelle Wade (mwade@jetstreamlaw.com)
The information provided here is not legal advice and does not purport to be a substitute for advice of counsel on any specific matter. For legal advice, you should consult with an attorney concerning your specific situation.